RoOT 2024
Rostock's Ocean Technology Summer School
Organizing Committee
Friederike Weith (Department Maritime Systems, University of Rostock)
Dr. Heike Link (Department Maritime Systems, University of Rostock)
Dr. Regine Labrenz (IOW)
RoOT 2024 July 1-12 - Open for application by international young professionals, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and selected Master graduates with a background or in any aspect of ocean technology or marine science until May 3rd!
This year the RoOT Summer School will take place for the third time and focuses on theme “Automated monitoring of the abiotic habitat”. Over a two-week course in July, 16 participants from academia and industry will have the opportunity to gain detailed insights into various interdisciplinary aspects of ocean technology, with a special focus on activities of the Ocean Technology Campus Rostock in its fields of innovation:
- Subsea Mobility & Autonomy
- Digital Mission
- Sustainable Ocean Use
- Open Innovation
Specially tailored lectures and exercises will provide the participants with the required know-how to tackle real-world problems in automated habitat monitoring including activities on land and at sea (aboard Rostock's research catamaran Limanda). Participants will develop new approaches to solve problems in the field of ocean technology and to put them into practice. For this, the RoOT 2024 will focus on water column sensor technology, with hands-on experience of the steps from the initial idea to the construction of measuring systems and data measurement. Moreover, the participants will deal with the detection of seabed structures involving own data collection aboard of the Limanda and data processing of acoustic data. The program will also offer the opportunity to learn about sustainable ocean use and the advantages of open innovation, open source and generally out-of-the-box thinking. Of course, participants will have the opportunity to build up their network by visiting different companies and a variety of different guest speakers around the Ocean Technology Campus Rostock.
This year's RoOT summer school will contain sessions and hands-on exercises organized by the following institutes and companies:
- Chair of Ocean Engineering (University of Rostock)
- Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
- Thünen Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries
- The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Rostock (BSH)
- more to follow
Keynotes and other talks will be held by the following individuals (in order of appearance):
- more to follow
For impressions of previous RoOT summer Schools check here.