Schedule Summer School RoOT 2022
Below, you can find this year's schedule. Please be aware that changes may still occur.
Monday, 22nd August:
Meet the Ocean Technology Campus!
Once we have gotten to know each other, we will take a tour around the OTC basecamp. We will gain insight into the day-to-day work of some of the OTC partners on sight: Framework Robotics, Kraken Power and others...
Tuesday, 23rd August:
Subsea Mobility & Autonomy (organized by the Chair of Ocean Engineering, University of Rostock):
Large-scale marine data collection requires autonomous underwater vehicles that can operate under challenging environmental conditions and over long periods of time. On this day, you will gain insight into the design and operation of an autonomous underwater system by building a working mini underwater glider.
To wrap up the day, Petra Mahnke from the German Association for Marine Technology will give a presentation (online) on "Ships of Opportunity", which will highlight people such as Boris Herrmann and Arved Fuchs, who incorporate scientific instruments on board their ships to help gain a better understanding of the ocean. There will be plenty of room for discussion and ideas.
Wednesday, 24th August:
Ocean Lense: OTC-Genomics - A genetic lense into ocean health (organized by the Environmental Microbiology group at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, IOW):
Microorganisms surround us -- they keep ecological cycles going and respond to even the smallest disturbances of their habitats. On this day, you'll learn how we want to merge machine learning and DNA sequencing to leverage microorganisms as sensors of ecosystem state -- and you will get hands-on wet-lab experience in the analysis and identification of microorganisms.
We will wrap up the day with a small competition based around the exhibition in the Baltic Sea Research Villa, followed by a guided tour of Warnemünde.
Thursday, 25th August:
The participants will be split into two groups.
Group 1: First trip on our research catamaran Limanda
Group 2: Workshop with Framework Robotics:
Modular Moored Sensor Station for Nearshore Applications
The challenges in ocean technology already start at the coastline! How can we take measurements in fields where no boat can swim and no robot can dive?
Towards the evening, both groups will join up again for a leisurely barbecue where Nico Günzel (CEO of Framework Robotics) and Vincent Morrison (CEO of AIM3D) will talk about how and why they became CEOs of start-ups shortly after finishing their respective degrees in Mechanical Engineering.
Friday, 26th August:
Yesterday's group 2 will now spend their first day on the research catamaran Limanda and yesterday's group 1 will participate in the workshop organized by Framework Robotics.
The groups will come together in the evening to present their respective results from the workshop and the data collection onboard the Limanda.
Saturday, 27th August:
Field trip to the Ozeaneum in Stralsund
The natural history museum is part of the German Oceanographic Museum and features exhibitions and aquariums focused mainly on the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Sunday, 28th August:
Field trip to the International Maritime Museum Hamburg
The private museum in Hamburg's HafenCity houses a collection of model ships, construction plans, uniforms, and maritime art.
Monday, 29th August:
Digital Mission: Combining sampling and modern data analytics (organized by EvoLogics and PLANET AI):
Our Digital Mission Day will cover the full pipeline of sampling and analyzing data. In the first part you will gather and review data with a side-scan sonar system mounted to an autonomous surface survey vehicle. The second part is an introduction to neural networks for the image classification and object detection.
To round off the day, Heike Link (University of Rostock) will provide an insight into her recent two-month research trip on board the research ice breaker Polarstern.
Tuesday, 30th August:
Sustainable Ocean Use: Why fishing? How fishing? How techology can help? (organized by the Thünen-Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries):
When using fishery resources around the world, the biggest challenge is to use them in a sustainable way. This part of the summer school will focus on fish and fishery in general, but also the role of technology (from low to high) and how it can be used to support fishery science and the different fisheries in the world.
In the afternoon, our special guest Tanya Lush (Director of Workforce Development at Canada's Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepeneurship - COVE) will provide us with insight into COVE in general and, in particular, their approach towards developing a sustainable workforce for Canada's fast-growing sector of the blue economy.
Wednesday, 31st August:
The participants will spend all day as part of the OTC Hackathon.
In the evening, an "OTC Meet & Greet" will provide the participants with the opportunity to further connect with Tanya Lush from COVE and, additionally, members of the various OTC projects.
Thursday, 1st September:
The participants will again be split into two groups: Group 1 will spend the morning and Group 2 the afternoon on the research catamaran Limanda. The respective other group will join in with Day 2 of the hackathon, building upon concepts and ideas that were developed over the course of day 1.
The day will be rounded off by a talk on technology transfer by Elimar Precht (Manager Technology Transfer, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research)
Friday, 1st September:
The results from the hackathon will be presented and discussed, with additional input and evaluation from various experts within the maritime field.
Peer Fietzek from Kongsberg Maritime will then provide us with an insightful keynote lecture!
We will wrap up the summer school by presenting the final results from the second Limanda trip and a short evaluation of the summer school as a whole.