Promotionsstipendiaten des Departments LL&M
Im Rahmen der Nachwuchsförderung hat das Department Stipendien an 14 herausragende Promotionsstudenten vergeben. Elf der 14 Jungwissenschaftler haben die Promotion bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen und konnten ihre Daten in international renomierten Fachzeitschriften publizieren. Das Department gratuliert recht herzlich zu diesen Erfolgen!
Dr. Ing. Fiete Haack
Promotion 2016
Exploring the spatio-temporal dynamics of lipid rafts and their role in signal transduction - A modeling and simulation approach
Prof. Dr. Adelinde Uhrmacher, Universität Rostock
Prof. Dr. Kevin Burrage, University of Oxford, Oxford, England
Prof. Dr. Edda Klipp, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- M. Luboschik, S. Rybacki, F. Haack, and H.-J. Schulz. Supporting the integrated visual analysis of input parameters and simulation trajectories. 2014. Comput. Graph. (39), 37–47.
- S. Rybacki, F. Haack, K. Wolf, and A.M. Uhrmacher. Developing Simulation Models - from Conceptual to Executable Model and Back - an Artifact-based Workflow Approach. 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, (ICST, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium: ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), pp. 21–30.
- F. Haack, K. Fackeldey, S. Röblitz, O. Scharkoi, M. Weber, and B. Schmidt. Adaptive spectral clustering with application to tripeptide conformation analysis. 2013. J. Chem. Phys. (139), 194110.
- F. Haack, K. Burrage, R. Redmer, and A. Uhrmacher. Studying the Role of Lipid Rafts on Protein Receptor Bindings with Cellular Automata. 2013. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. (10), 760–770.
- A.T. Bittig, F. Haack, C. Maus, and A.M. Uhrmacher. Adapting Rule-based Model Descriptions for Simulating in Continuous and Hybrid Space. 2011. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, (New York, NY, USA: ACM), pp. 161–170.
- S. Rybacki, J. Himmelspach, F. Haack, and A.M. Uhrmacher. WorMS-a framework to support workflows in M&S. 2011 Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, ed. by S. Jain and R. R. Creasey and J. Himmelspach and K. P. White and M. Fu,, Piscataway, New Jersey, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
- F. Haack, S. Röblitz, O. Scharkoi, B. Schmidt, M. Weber, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and C. Tsitouras. Adaptive spectral clustering for conformation analysis. 2010. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1281(1) pp. 1585-1588.
- F. Haack, S. Leye, and A.M. Uhrmacher. A flexible architecture for modeling and simulation of diffusional association. 2010. In 3rd Workshop ''From Biology To Concurrency and back'', ed. by E. Merelli and P. Quaglia, pp. 70-84.
F. Haack and A.M. Uhrmacher. Modelling of Lipid Rafts in Aging and Cellular Senescence. 2011. Rostock Symposium on Systems Biology and Bioinfor- matics in Ageing Research, Rostock.
- F. Haack. Brownian Dynamics Simulations for Cell Biological Applications. 2010. 2. Interdisziplinaren Forschungsseminar der Interdisziplinären Fakultät der Universität Rostock. (Poster)
- T. Rharass, M. Lantow, H. Lemcke, F. Haack, S. Smita, B. Redlich, S. A. Kuznetsov, D. G. Weiss. The Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the regulation of wnt signaling pathways during neural differentiation. 2010. 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zyometrie, Leipzig. (Poster)
Dipl.-Chem. Kristian Kiersch
Thema: "Einfluss von Hitze auf Zusammensetzung und Struktur organischer Bodensubstanzen: Entwicklung analytischer Methoden und Erforschung der ökologischen Auswirkungen"
Betreuerteam: Prof. Peter Leinweber, Prof. Ralf Zimmermann
- C.E. Gattullo, K. Kiersch, K.-U. Eckhardt, C. Baum, P. Leinweber, and E. Loffredo. Decontamination Activity of Ryegrass Exudates towards Bisphenol A in the Absence and Presence of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter. 2013. Int. J. Phytoremediation (17), 1–8.
- P. Leinweber, J. Kruse, C. Baum, M. Arcand, J.D. Knight, R. Farrell, K.-U. Eckhardt, K. Kiersch, and G. Jandl. Advances in Understanding Organic Nitrogen Chemistry in Soils Using State-of-the-art Analytical Techniques. 2013. Adv. Agron. (119), 83–151.
- K. Kiersch, J. Kruse, T.Z. Regier, and P. Leinweber. Temperature resolved alteration of soil organic matter composition during laboratory heating as revealed by C and N XANES spectroscopy and Py-FIMS. 2012. Thermochim. Acta (537), 36–43.
- K. Kiersch, J. Kruse, K.-U. Eckhardt, A. Fendt, T. Streibel, R. Zimmermann, G. Broll, and P. Leinweber. Impact of grassland burning on soil organic matter as revealed by a synchrotron-and pyrolysis–mass spectrometry-based multi-methodological approach. 2012. Org. Geochem. (44), 8–20.
- D. Zimmer, K. Kiersch, C. Baum, R. Meissner, R. Müller, G. Jandl, and P. Leinweber. Scale‐Dependent Variability of As and Heavy Metals in a River Elbe Floodplain. 2011. CLEAN–Soil Air Water (39), 328–337.
- K. Kiersch, G. Jandl, R. Meissner, and P. Leinweber. Small scale variability of chlorinated POPs in the river Elbe floodplain soils (Germany). 2010. Chemosphere (79), 745–753.
- D. Zimmer, K. Kiersch, G. Jandl, R. Meissner, N. Kolomiytsev, and P. Leinweber. Status quo of soil contamination with inorganic and organic pollutants of the River Oka floodplains (Russia). 2010. Water. Air. Soil Pollut. (211), 299–312.
- K. Kiersch, P. Leinweber, and R. Zimmermann. Impact of heat on composition and structure of soil organic matter. 2010. 2. Interdisziplinäres Forschungsseminar der Interdisziplinären Fakultät der Universität Rostock. (Poster)
- K. Kiersch. Transfers and transformations: our evolving biosphere. 2010. Joint conference of the CSSS & CSA Saskatoon, Kanada.
- K. Kiersch. Application of pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS) and synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (C- and N-XANES) to determine heat effects on soil organic matter. (Poster)
- P. Leinweber, J. Kruse, K. Kiersch. Advances in soil organic nitrogen research by mass spectrometry and synchrotron techniques. 2010. (Vortrag)
- K. Kiersch. Advanced spectroscopic and microscopic characterisation techniques - > tools to enlighten biogeochemical interfaces in soil. 2010. Jena.
- P. Leinweber, J. Kruse, K. Kiersch. Nitrogen K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. 2010.
Dr. rer. nat. Juliane Kleeblatt
Promotion 2015
Needle Trap Sampling Thermal-Desorption Photoionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Complex Gas Mixtures
Betreuerteam: Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Jochen K. Schubert
- J. Kleeblatt, S. Ehlert, J. Hölzer, M. Sklorz, J. Rittgen, P. Baumgärtel, J.K. Schubert, and R. Zimmermann. Investigation of the Photoionization Properties of Pharmaceutically Relevant Substances by Resonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy and Single-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation. 2013. Appl. Spectrosc. (67), 860–872.
- J. Wulf, M. Sklorz, W. Miekisch, J. K. Schubert, R. Zimmermann. Analysis of volatile organic compounds in breath gas using PI-TOF-MS.2010.2. Interdisziplinäres Forschungsseminar der Interdisziplinären Fakultät der Universität Rostock. (Poster)
M. Sc. Evgeni Shoifet
Thema: "Heat capacity spectroscopy of the dynamic glass transition in ionic liquids"
Betreuerteam: Prof. Christoph Schick, Prof. Sergey Verevkin
- Y.Z. Chua, G. Schulz, E. Shoifet, H. Huth, R. Zorn, J.W. Scmelzer, and C. Schick. Glass transition cooperativity from broad band heat capacity spectroscopy. 2014. Colloid Polym. Sci. 1–12.
- E. Shoifet, Y.Z. Chua, H. Huth, and C. Schick. High frequency alternating current chip nano calorimeter with laser heating. 2013. Rev. Sci. Instrum. (84), 073903.
- M. Ahrenberg, E. Shoifet, K.R. Whitaker, H. Huth, M.D. Ediger, and C. Schick. Differential alternating current chip calorimeter for in situ investigation of vapor-deposited thin films. 2012. Rev. Sci. Instrum. (83), 033902.
- E. Shoifet. Dynamic glass transition in room temperature ionic liquids studied with calorimetric methods. 2014. Dresden. (Vortrag)
- E. Shoifet. Influence of cation size on dynamic glass transition in room temperature ionic liquids. 2013. Barcelona, Spanien. (Vortrag)
- E. Shoifet. Room temperature ionic liquid's (RTILs) dynamic glass transition by calorimetric methods. 2013. Regensburg. (Poster)
- E. Shoifet. High Frequency Laser Modulated Chip Calorimeter. 2012. Osaka, Japan. (Vortrag)
- E. Shoifet. Heat capacity spectroscopy of the dynamic glass transition in chosen room temperature ionic liquids. 2012. Berlin. (Poster)
- E. Shoifet. High Frequency Laser Modulated AC-Calorimeter for Glass Transition Investigations. 2009. Athen, Griechenland. (Poster)
Dr. rer. nat. Slawomir Skruszewicz
Promotion 2016
Strong field ionization of atoms and molecules studied by phase-of-the-phase spectroscopy
Dr. Josef Tiggesbäumker,
Prof. Dr. Markus Drescher
- G. Galinis, L.G. Mendoza Luna, M.J. Watkins, A.M. Ellis, R.S. Minns, M. Mladenović, M. Lewerenz, R.T. Chapman, I.C.E. Turcu, C. Cacho, E. Springate, L. Kazak, S. Göde, R. Irsig, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, A. Rouzée, J.G. Underwood, M. Siano, and K. von Haeften. Formation of coherent rotational wavepackets in small molecule-helium clusters using impulsive alignment. 2014. Faraday Discuss.
- S. Skruszewicz, J. Passig, A. Przystawik, N.X. Truong, M. Köther, J. Tiggesbäumker, and K.-H. Meiwes-Broer. A new design for imaging of fast energetic electrons. 2014. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (365–366), 338–342.
- U. Zastrau, P. Sperling, M. Harmand, A. Becker, T. Bornath, R. Bredow, S. Dziarzhytski, T. Fennel, L.B. Fletcher, E. Förster, S. Göde, G. Gregori, V. Hilbert, D. Hochhaus, B. Holst, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, T. Ma, J.P. Mithen, R. Mitzner, C.D. Murphy, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, S. Roling, M. Schulz, B. Siemer, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, T. White, M. Wöstmann, H. Zacharias, T. Döppner, S.H. Glenzer, and R. Redmer. Resolving Ultrafast Heating of Dense Cryogenic Hydrogen. 2014. Phys. Rev. Lett. (112), 105002.
- U. Zastrau, P. Sperling, A. Becker, T. Bornath, R. Bredow, T. Döppner, S. Dziarzhytski, T. Fennel, L.B. Fletcher, E. Förster, C. Fortmann, S.H. Glenzer, S. Göde, G. Gregori, M. Harmand, V. Hilbert, B. Holst, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, T. Ma, J.P. Mithen, R. Mitzner, C.D. Murphy, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, S. Roling, M. Schulz, B. Siemer, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, T. White, M. Wöstmann, H. Zacharias, and R. Redmer. Equilibration dynamics and conductivity of warm dense hydrogen. 2014. Phys. Rev. E (90), 013104.
M. Harmand, C.D. Murphy, C.R.D. Brown, M. Cammarata, T. Döppner, S. Düsterer, D. Fritz, E. Förster, E. Galtier, J. Gaudin, S.H. Glenzer, S. Göde, G. Gregori, V. Hilbert, D. Hochhaus, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, H. Lemke, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, A. Moinard, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, H. Redlin, M. Schulz, S. Skruszewicz, F. Tavella, T. Tschentscher, T. White, U. Zastrau, and S. Toleikis. Plasma switch as a temporal overlap tool for pump-probe experiments at FEL facilities. 2012. J. Instrum. (7), P08007.
- S. Skruszewicz, J. Passig, J. Tiggesbäumker and K.-H. Meiwes-Broer. Velocity map imaging of fast electrons up to 300 eV resulting from single photoionization of Neon atoms. 2009. DESY Annual Report.
- H. Li, Z. Wang, F. Suessmann, S. Zherebtsov, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbaeumker, T. Fennel, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, C.L. Cocke, and M. Kling. Angular resolved photoionization of C60 by femtosecond laser pulses. 2013. APS March Meeting Abstracts, p. 1274. (Poster)
- S.M. Ernst, S. Skruszewicz, B. Strelnikov, and M. Rapp. Absolute Calibration of Vacuum Ultraviolet Xenon Flash Lamps Used for Photoionization of Meteor Smoke Particles. 2011. 20th Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, pp. 105–112.
- S. Skruszewicz. Characteristic of High Energy Velocity Map Imaging Spectrometer (HEVMI) designed to study the Coulomb explosion from Clusters. 2010. Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft der Sektion AMOP, Hannover. (Vortrag)
- S. Skruszewicz. Correlations in the Multiphoton Ionization from Fullerenes and Clusters. 2010. 463rd WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Ultra fast Atomics Physics - Towards the Zeptosecond regime, Bad Honnef. (Poster - Posterpreis für bestes Poster!)
- S. Skruszewicz. Angular resolved photoemission from Xenon and C60. 2009. Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft der Sektion AMOP, Hamburg. (Vortrag)
- S. Skruszewicz. Angular resolved photoemission from Xenon and C60 in intensive laser fields. Clustertreffen, Herzogenhorn-Schwarzwald. (Poster)
Dipl.-Chem. Anne Walter
Thema: „Detektion enzymmarkierte DNA an elektrisch geheizten, nanostrukturierten Elektroden“
Betreuerteam: PD Dr. Gerd-Uwe Flechsig, Prof. Dr. Jan Gimsa
- A. Walter, A.-E. Surkus, and G.-U. Flechsig. Hybridization detection of enzyme-labeled DNA at electrically heated electrodes. 2013. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (405), 3907–3911.
- G.-U. Flechsig, and A. Walter. Electrically Heated Electrodes: Practical Aspects and New Developments. 2012. Electroanalysis (24), 23–31.
- A. Walter, J. Wu, G.-U. Flechsig, D.A. Haake, and J. Wang. Redox cycling amplified electrochemical detection of DNA hybridization: Application to pathogen< i> E. coli</i> bacterial RNA. 2011. Anal. Chim. Acta (689), 29–33.
- K.Y. Chumbimuni-Torres, J. Wu, C. Clawson, M. Galik, A. Walter, G.-U. Flechsig, E. Bakker, L. Zhang, and J. Wang. Amplified potentiometric transduction of DNA hybridization using ion-loaded liposomes. 2010. Analyst (135), 1618–1623.
- A. Walter. Enzyme-labeled DNA at nano-structured heatable electrodes. 2010. 2. Interdisziplinäre Forschungsseminar der Interdisziplinären Fakultät Rostock. (Poster)
- A. Walter. Enzymmarker für die elektrochemische Detektion der DNA Hybridisierung. 2009.3. Doktorandenseminar Attendorn.
Dr. Ing. Davit Zohrabyan
Promotion 2014
Differential fast-scanning calorimetry and differential reheating as direct and indirect methods to study the critical cooling rates of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys
Betreuerteam: Prof. Olaf Keßler, Prof. Christoph Schick
- D. Zohrabyan, B. Milkereit, C. Schick, and O. Kessler. Continuous cooling precipitation diagram of high alloyed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 7049A alloy. 2014. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China (24), 2018–2024.
- S. Davtyan, C. Schick, A. Tonoyan, and D. Zohrabyan. SiO2 Nanofiller impact on crystallization kinetics during adiabatic anionic polymerization of ε-caprolactam. 2013. E-Polym. (11), 444–453.
- D. Zohrabyan, B. Milkereit, O. Kessler, and C. Schick. Precipitation enthalpy during cooling of aluminum alloys obtained from calorimetric reheating experiments. 2012. Thermochim. Acta (529), 51–58.
Dr. rer. nat. Maxi Hoentsch
Promotion 2014
- M. Höntsch, R. Bussiahn, H. Rebl, C. Bergemann, M. Eggert, M. Frank, T. von Woedtke, and B. Nebe. Persistent Effectivity of Gas Plasma-Treated, Long Time-Stored Liquid on Epithelial Cell Adhesion Capacity and Membrane Morphology. 2014. PLoS ONE (9), e104559.
M. Hoentsch, T. von Woedtke, K.-D. Weltmann, and J.B. Nebe. Time-dependent effects of low-temperature atmospheric-pressure argon plasma on epithelial cell attachment, viability and tight junction formation in vitro. 2012. J. Phys. Appl. Phys. (45), 025206.
Dr. rer. nat. Ashour Ahmed
Promotion 2013
"Binding of chlorinated environmentally active chemicals to soil surfaces: Chromatographic measurements and quantum chemicalSimulations" (2013)
- A.A. Ahmed, O. Kühn, S.G. Aziz, R.H. Hilal, and P. Leinweber. How soil organic matter composition controls hexachlorobenzene–soil-interactions: Adsorption isotherms and quantum chemical modeling.2014. Sci. Total Environ. (476–477), 98–106.
- A.A. Ahmed, P. Leinweber, and O. Kühn. A computational study of hexachlorobenzene-soil organic matter-interactions.2013. J. Theor. Comput. Chem. (13), 1450009.
- A.A. Ahmed, O. Kühn, R.H. Hilal, and M.F. Shibl. Structure and cooperativity of the hydrogen bonds in sodium dihydrogen triacetate.2013. Int. J. Quantum Chem. (113), 1394–1400.
- A.A. Ahmed, O. Kühn, and P. Leinweber. Controlled experimental soil organic matter modification for study of organic pollutant interactions in soil. 2012. Sci. Total Environ. (441), 151–158.
Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Kohse
Promotion 2014
"Ultrakurze Laserpulse als optische Schalter in enzymatischen Umsetzungen" (2014)
- S. Kohse, A. Neubauer, S. Lochbrunner, and U. Kragl. Improving the Time-Resolution for Remote Control of Enzyme Activity via Nanosecond Laser-induced pH-jump. 2014. ChemCatChem (submitted)
- S. Reimann, P. Ehlers, A. Petrosyan, S. Kohse, A. Spannenberg, A.E. Surkus, T.V. Ghochikyan, A.S. Saghyan, S. Lochbrunner, O. Kühn, et al. Site Selective Synthesis of Pentaarylpyridines via Multiple Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions. 2014. Adv. Synth. Catal. (356), 1987–2008.
- S. Kohse, A. Neubauer, A. Pazidis, S. Lochbrunner, and U. Kragl. Photoswitching of Enzyme Activity by Laser-Induced pH-Jump. 2013. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (135), 9407–9411.
- S. Wenda, S. Illner, A. Mell, and U. Kragl. Industrial biotechnology—the future of green chemistry?2011. Green Chem. (13), 3007.
- J. Duwensee, S. Wenda, W. Ruth, and U. Kragl. Lipase-Catalyzed Polycondensation in Water: A New Approach for Polyester Synthesis. 2010. Org. Process Res. Dev. (14), 48–57.
Dr. rer. nat Sebastian Reimann
Promotion 2013
Dissertation: "Synthesis of Functionalized Benzenes and Pyridines by Palladium(0)-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reactions" (2013)
- S. Reimann, P. Ehlers, A. Petrosyan, S. Kohse, A. Spannenberg, A.E. Surkus, T.V. Ghochikyan, A.S. Saghyan, S. Lochbrunner, O. Kühn, R. Ludwig, and P. Langer. Site Selective Synthesis of Pentaarylpyridines via Multiple Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions. 2014. Adv. Synth. Catal. (356), 1987–2008.
- Z. Papanyan, C. Roth, K. Wittler, S. Reimann, and R. Ludwig. The Dissolution of Polyols in Salt Solutions and Ionic Liquids at Molecular Level: Ions, Counter Ions, and Hofmeister Effects. 2013. ChemPhysChem (14), 3667–3671.
- S. Reimann, L.R. Knöpke, A. Spannenberg, A. Brückner, O. Kühn, P. Langer, and U. Bentrup. Identification of reaction intermediates in AlCl3-mediated cyclocondensation reactions by simultaneous in situ ATR-FTIR and UV–vis spectroscopy. 2013. Tetrahedron (69), 3338–3347.
- S. Reimann, K. Wittler, S. Schmode, M. Sharif, T. Fahrenwaldt, R. Ludwig, A. Spannenberg, and P. Langer. Site-Selective Sonogashira Reactions of 1,4-Dibromo-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzene: Synthesis and Properties of Fluorinated Alkynylbenzenes. 2013. Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2013), 8115–8134.
- S. Reimann, M. Sharif, M. Hein, A. Villinger, K. Wittler, R. Ludwig, and P. Langer. Site-Selective Sonogashira Reactions of 1,4-Dibromo-2-fluorobenzene – Synthesis and Properties of Fluorinated Alkynylbenzenes. 2012. Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2012), 604–615.
- L.R. Knöpke, S. Reimann, A. Spannenberg, P. Langer, A. Brückner, and U. Bentrup. Elucidating the Directing Effect of Lewis Acids on the Reaction Pathway in Formal [3+3] Cyclocondensation Reactions: A Comprehensive In Situ Spectroscopic Study. 2011. ChemCatChem (3), 1459–1468.
- M. Sharif, S. Reimann, K. Wittler, L.R. Knöpke, A.-E. Surkus, C. Roth, A. Villinger, R. Ludwig, and P. Langer. 1-(Arylalkenyl)pyrenes – Synthetic, Structural, Photophysical, Theoretical, and Electrochemical Investigations. 2011. Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2011), 5261–5271.
- A. Bunescu, S. Reimann, M. Lubbe, A. Spannenberg, and P. Langer. Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl-Substituted Arenes, Cyclohexenones and Pyran-4-ones by Cyclocondensation of 1,3-Bis(silyloxy)-1,3-butadienes with 4,4-Dimethoxy-1,1,1-trifluorobut-3-en-2-one: Influence of the Lewis Acid on the Product Distribution. 2009. J. Org. Chem. (74), 5002–5010.
Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Reiß
Promotion 2013
"Nicht-invasive Bestimmung der Gewebeeigenschaften von Augenlinsen mit Brillouin-Spektroskopie" (2013)
- S. Reiß, K. Sperlich, M. Hovakimyan, P. Martius, R.F. Guthoff, H. Stolz, and O. Stachs. Ex Vivo Measurement of Postmortem Tissue Changes in the Crystalline Lens by Brillouin Spectroscopy and Confocal Reflectance Microscopy. 2012. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. (59), 2348–2354.
- O. Stachs, S. Reiß, R. Guthoff, and H. Stolz. Spatially resolved Brillouin spectroscopy for in vivo determination of the biomechanical properties of the crystalline lenses. In SPIE BiOS, (International Society for Optics and Photonics), p. 82090T – 82090T – 6.
- S. Reiß, G. Burau, O. Stachs, R. Guthoff, and H. Stolz. Spatially resolved Brillouin spectroscopy to determine the rheological properties of the eye lens. 2011. Biomed. Opt. Express (2), 2144–2159.
- S. Reiß, O. Stachs, R. Guthoff, and H. Stolz. Non-invasive, ortsaufgelöste Bestimmung von Gewebeeigenschaften der Augenlinse hinsichtlich Rheologie, Brechungsindex, Dichte und Proteinkonzentration unter Anwendung der Brillouin-Spektroskopie. 2011. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd (228), 1–7.
Dr. rer. nat Christian Roth
Promotion 2012
Dissertation:"Struktur und Wechselwirkungen in ionischen Flüssigkeiten und deren Mischungen mit unterschiedlichen Lösungsmitteln" (2012)
- M. Strauch, C. Roth, F. Kubatzki, and R. Ludwig. Formation of “Quasi” Contact or Solvent-separated Ion Pairs in the Local Environment of Probe Molecules Dissolved in Ionic Liquids. 2014. ChemPhysChem (15), 265–270.
- Z. Papanyan, C. Roth, K. Wittler, S. Reimann, and R. Ludwig. The Dissolution of Polyols in Salt Solutions and Ionic Liquids at Molecular Level: Ions, Counter Ions, and Hofmeister Effects. 2013. ChemPhysChem (14), 3667–3671.
- S. Reimann, M. Sharif, K. Wittler, L.R. Knöpke, A.-E. Surkus, C. Roth, R. Ludwig, and P. Langer. 3-Pyrenylacrylates: Synthetic, Photophysical, Theoretical and Electrochemical Investigations. 2013. Z Naturforsch (68), 367–377.
- C. Roth, A. Appelhagen, N. Jobst, and R. Ludwig. Microheterogeneities in Ionic-Liquid–Methanol Solutions Studied by FTIR Spectroscopy, DFT Calculations and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. 2012. ChemPhysChem (13), 1708–1717.
- C. Roth, A. Rose, and R. Ludwig. Ionic liquids can be more hydrophobic than chloroform or benzene. 2012. ChemPhysChem (13), 3102–3105.
- Z. Papanyan, C. Roth, D. Paschek, and R. Ludwig. Understanding the Dissolution of Polyols by Ionic Liquids Using the Example of a Well-Defined Model Compound. 2011. ChemPhysChem (12), 2400–2404.
- T. Peppel, C. Roth, K. Fumino, D. Paschek, M. Köckerling, and R. Ludwig. The Influence of Hydrogen-Bond Defects on the Properties of Ionic Liquids. 2011. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (50), 6661–6665.
- C. Roth, T. Peppel, K. Fumino, M. Köckerling, and R. Ludwig. The Importance of Hydrogen Bonds for the Structure of Ionic Liquids: Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction and Transmission and Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy in the Terahertz Region. 2010. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (49), 10221–10224.
Dr.-Ing. Tim Wegner
Promotion 2014
Dissertation: "Modellierung und Steuerung der Temperaturverteilung Network-on-Chip-basierter Systeme" (2014)
- T. Wegner, M. Gag, and D. Timmermann. Efficiency Analysis of Approaches for Temperature Management and Task Mapping in Networks-on-Chip. In Advancing Embedded Systems and Real-Time Communications with Emerging Technologies, S. Virtanen, ed. (Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference), pp. 368–398. 2014
- T. Wegner, M. Gag, and D. Timmermann. Performance Analysis of Temperature Management Approaches in Networks-on-Chip:2012. Int. J. Embed. Real-Time Commun. Syst. (3), 19–41.
- M. Gag, T. Wegner, and D. Timmermann. System Level Power Estimation of System-on-Chip Interconnects in Consideration of Transition Activity and Crosstalk. In Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation, R. van Leuken, and G. Sicard, eds. (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), pp. 21–30. 2011
- M. Gag, P. Gorski, T. Wegner, and D. Timmermann. Evaluation of switch-to-switch header flit protection schemes in networks-on-chip. 2011. ITG-Fachber.-Zuverlässigk. Entwurf.
- T. Wegner, M. Gag, and D. Timmermann. Impact of proactive temperature management on performance of Networks-on-Chip. In International Symposium on System on Chip (SoC), pp. 116–121. 2011
- T. Wegner, M. Gag, D. Timmermann, and A. Uhrmacher. Reduction of Thermal Imbalances and Hot Spots in Networks-on-Chip Using Proactive Temperature Management. 2011. ITG-Fachber.-Zuverlässigk.
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