Competence Centres of the LL&M Department
The following five competence centres were established in the research building, based on the Management Board decision dated 21 January 2015. The centres emerged from the related initiative groups and raised the large-scale devices listed below.
- The Competence centre InterSurf(Interfaces Surfaces) shall investigate docking mechanisms at interfaces of solid body textures and nanoparticles on the one side and living primary cells or molecular crystals on the other side. The application background is electrically active implant surfaces, triggering and control of time programs and new materials for energy provision.
- The Competence centre Mikroskopy and Spectroscopy aims at clarifying molecular mechanisms and processes in biological systems, functional material and nanostructures via microscopic and spectroscopic methods.
- The Competence centre CALORaspires to couple calorimetry with other thermal analysis methods.
- The Compentence centre NMR „Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy“ aims at making new NMR methods for determining structure and dynamics in the condensed phase and at interfaces accessible to LL&M department members after a stage of establishment and development.
- The Compentence centre Mass Spectrometry (MS) will, by using the MS centre and the cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre in Munich (via JMSC), advance the development of MS technologies and concepts.
Large-scale devices of the competence centres
No. | Competence Centre | Initiative group | Large-scale Device |
1 | InterSurf | Profs. Speller, Nebe, R. Peters, K.Peters, Behrend, van Rienen, Hage, Meiwes-Broer | Nanoprobing and manipulation |
InterSurf | Profs. Speller, Nebe, R. Peters, K.Peters, Behrend, van Rienen, Hage, Meiwes-Broer | Short Pulse Laser Device for Structuring Surfaces | |
2 | Microscopy & Spectroscopy | Profs. Lochbrunner, Baltrusch, Stachs, Frank, Ottl, Ludwig, Behrend, Brückner, Kühn | Short-pulse laser with amplifier |
3 | Mass Spectroscopy | Profs. Zimmermann, Lochbrunner, Tiggesbäumker, Mundkowski, Leinweber, Kragl, Schulz-Bull | Liquid chromatography -Laser-Mass spectrometer |
4 | Calor | Profs. Schick, Kessler, Vervkin, Zimmermann | Quenching Dilatometer |
5 | NMR | Profs. Ludwig, Brückner, Köckerling (Baumann, Grundmann, Michalik) | Solid body NMR |