Specifically trained junior scientist with a high level of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills are needed to implement the needed scientific research in the natural science area and related scientific topics in the future.
The excellent education of junior scientists is the key objective of our postgraduate network.
The focus is on two aspects here:
- The targeted strengthening of technical competence, mainly in the actual work teams
- The targeted strengthening of technical competence, mainly in the actual work teams
The postgraduate network LL&M closely cooperates with the postgraduate academy of the University of Rostock. It is recommended to the fellows working in the department environment to apply for an academy membership.
The following DFG Postgraduate Programmes are allocated to the environment of the department’s members. Additional postgraduate programs are in the application.
The detailed program is currently being prepared and is structured as follows:
from 8:45 a.m.: open channel and dial-in.
9:00 - 9:05: welcome and opening Prof. Meiwes-Broer
9:10 - 11:10 a.m.: Lecture block I
11:00 - 11:20 a.m.: Break
11:30 - 13 h: Lecture block II
Register as a participant and presenter (with presentation title) by mail to susanne.radloff(at)uni-rostock(dot)de by January 4. We are looking forward to a colorful program.