Position and Concept
With the LL&M Research Building (number 3 in the image below), financed by the Federal/State program ‘University Research Buildings’, the needed spatial and device conditions for interdisciplinary research and education were established. The related application was written by department members and submitted to the University of Rostock in autumn 2015. In the centre of the Natural and Engineering Sciences Campus Südstadt, LL&M has got more than 2500 m2 laboratory and office space now. The five competence centres Surfaces/Interfaces, Mass Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Spectroscopy, Calorimetry and Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR are located there. Furthermore, there are project and spin-off laboratories for junior scientists. The research environment of the LL&M department provides the needed spatial and device condition for an interdisciplinary project processing.
Application and Contact
Application for Laboratory Space
Dr. Susanne Radloff
0381-498 8911