Competence Center Microscopy and Spectroscopy
In the competence center Microscopy and Spectroscopy we investigate biological systems, functional materials, and nanostructures using optical and electron microscopy as well as time resolved spectroscopy. The goal is to characterize the processes occurring in these systems and to elucidate the responsible molecular mechanisms. The center provides access to high-end methods by facilitating collaborations between experts of different disciplines and pushes new methodical developments.
People and Expertise
- Simone Baltrusch, Optical and laser microscopy of cellular processes
- Stefan Lochbrunner, Time resolved spectroscopy of molecular systems
- Marcus Frank, Electron microscopy
- Angelika Brückner, Operando spectroscopy in catalysis
- Oliver Stachs, Diagnostics for ophthalmology
- Ralf Ludwig, IR spectroscopy and molecular liquids
- Peter Ottl, Detlef Behrend, Dental material science
- Oliver Kühn, Theory of molecular system
- 1. Light induced processes in molecular complexes, nanostructures, and materials
- 2. Interaction between proteins and metabolic constituents
- 3. Molecular mechanisms in photocatalysis and renewable energy research
- 4. Subcellular and molecular changes in aging and disease evolution
- 5. Dynamics of extremely excited matte