How does light affect matter?

Figure 1: Participants of the conference “Light-Matter Interactions at Interfaces” (Photo: Julia Tetzke, University of Rostock).
Figure 2: Poster prize winners Anne Herzig (University of Rostock) and Mohanad Awad (University of Jena) with Prof. Dieter Bauer and Prof. Thomas Fennel (Photo: M. Schwartz).

This question was addressed by around 150 international scientists at the “Light-Matter Interactions at Interfaces” conference at the University of Rostock from September 23 to 27, 2024. The focus was on the latest findings on the interaction of light and matter, which form the basis for technologies such as ultrafast electronics, sensor technology and quantum information.

The highlight was the presentation of the poster prizes to Anne Herzig (University of Rostock) and Mohanad Awad (University of Jena) for their outstanding research work. The event offered valuable networking opportunities and demonstrated the importance of Rostock physics for cutting-edge research.


SFB1477 LiMatI
University of Rostock
Dr. Margit Schwartz
Phone: 0381 498 6774
