Prof. Berit Zeller-Plumhoff new at the University of Rostock and in the speaker team of the CRC TR-NetMat

v.l. Abteilungsleiter im Wissenschaftsministerium Woldemar Venohr, Prof. Dr. habil. Berit Zeller-Plumhoff, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Wilmers, Prof. Dr. phil. Tobias Müller

The Department of LLM at the University of Rostock is pleased to welcome Prof. Berit Zeller-Plumhoff as a new member. Prof. Zeller-Plumhoff was recently appointed professor and brings extensive experience from her collaboration with the Excellence Initiative “Networked Matter” at Kiel University. She is also part of the speaker team of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC TR) NetMat, which deals with research into functionalized networks for the use of dynamic complex systems. With her expertise, she not only enriches the Department LLM, but also the research location Rostock.

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