

New Applications & Renewals

Please note: Please fill out the online form on a PC at the University of Rostock. On other devices (private PCs or laptops), the interactive form may not display properly due to technical reasons.

Before sending, please print out the completed application for membership or save it as a PDF! (The interactive form does not permanently save entries.)

Apply/Renew Membership in the AGIS Department

Applicant's data
Research Group & Publications
Research Work
Support for Early Career Researchers & Internationalization
Data Protection
1. Consent for the Use of Personal Data in the Selection Process:

By submitting this membership application, you are providing personal data. This data will be processed by us as part of the selection process. Please take note of the data protection information for membership applications. There you will find detailed information about the processing of your data as part of the application.
2. Consent Statement for the Publication of Personal Data on the Website (First and Last Name, Title, Professional Email Address, University or Institute Affiliation, Link to Member's Homepage) on the Department AGIS Website